Monday, August 31, 2015

Honoring God Charleston etc. Random Thoughts

The shootings in Charleston,  inmates at large,  churches  splintering
Loved ones dying, tornadoes, floods, fires, seven inches of crabs on the beach
Water polluted by fracking

Who do we think we are?  Do we think we can get away with this? Does a judge say the killer is a victim?, Does the polluter say the water consumers are the problem?  Does the church say the dogma is the problem?  Are the crabs laying dead on the beach their fault?

Why are we feeding ourselves  greed and violence?   - Why are we screwing up the best things that ever happened to us our lives and the earth

How does this honor God?  Even if you can't believe in a creator,  how does this honor the home where we live?  let alone one another?  This is not sustainable?  How does this honor you own existence?  Isn't this self destructive?  Does that make any sense?

JUne 25

June 25 is a day for remembering -  Sure it is end of school year - beginning of vacations etc.  But for many we remembers the floods and th...